Literary Yard

Search for meaning

By: Crystal Chavez


I walk this plane unseen
Invisible to the public
My existence unrecognized

Brown hair and dark eyes
Tan skin overshadowed
on the Silver Screen
Flooded with beach blonde waves
and bright blue eyes

Erasure so thorough
That the language of my ancestors
Leaves a foreign taste in my mouth

Though my roots never leave
The Nazca lines etched to my palms
Guide me to my future
embedded in excellence

I am the daughter of Dolores Huerta and Frida Kahlo
Our spines carrying the stories
No history book has the strength to do
Marching forward in the Land of the Free
Demanding our presence be known


Crystal Chavez contrasts the interest of her feline children by spending her waking moments in bodies of water, both man-made and natural. During protests, her picket signs demand that gender equality and mandatory nap time be enforced around the country. She employs the use of a nightlight and her ukulele for lullabies as a way to assuage her nyctophobia.


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