Literary Yard

Search for meaning

By: KJ Hannah Greenberg


Investing in skill building is advantageous to Andean condors while
Operating paths to working past setbacks exist, except for nest building.
In such cases, finding answers to remarkable troubles excludes almost all
Vulture-sought solutions via creatively prepared twigs, leaves, or branches.

Ordinarily, avians don’t stumble, don’t fail in attempting to legitimize
Contemporary housing earmarked by rigorous development, refinement,
Blue-penciled accountability, distinct equity of tasks, plus scoffed hubris.
Birds don’t rehearse emotional representations when aiming to eat lunch.

Contrariwise, human history, theory, application of symbolic interaction
Around crepitus sounds, emitted by politcos’ presentation of accountability,
Seem slow to create sanctions for incommensurate moral orders, and resistance.
Few noobs, gruntled leaders, misogynists, misandrists, reliably reveal therapies.

Mankind’s illuminations of transfer phenomena, of amassing meaning,
Neglect to bestow healing at vital semantic/pragmatic divides, to establish
Bases from which examine rules presented as nontechnical “facts, to grade
Junk stuffed in kits, to be disciplined sanctioning significance, to file futures.


Most Venues Wax Staid

Most venues wax staid apart from whether they’re tenanted by boffins, glamor girls,
Certain extraterrestrial beasts. On balance, systemic industry appeals to competitors,
Practitioners’ resourcefulness, associative reckoning, besides generative verbal skills
(Relying solely on charisma can’t transform royal annoyances into regal exemplars.)
Neither Prince Charming nor Lady Beguiling ever demonstrated adequate aptitudes.
Inversely, expert wordies’ collective experiences of revealed trauma, also heartache,
Integrate nurturing no matter the measure of external pressure that parents of sickly
Children, suffering horrific post op care, then posttraumatic stress disorder, endure.

Co-workers, talking heartlessly of maternal elations, despite colleagues’ publicized
Secondary infertility, explode “bragging rights,” at basilicas, gatehouses, groceries.
They overpower norms, discount passing influences (such as function contained by
Proximate communication patterns personified visa via judicious healing conduits).
When persons suffer losses, a background of rubrics, or traditions “behind studies”
(No matter the degree or duration of substantive philology articulated in symbols),
Signifies, catalogs, impacts identities, delves into ways in which resulting benefits
Crack beliefs concerning history’s affirmation of our perception of “exact action.”

The correlation of taskmaster’s rules to their techne’, the roles of philosopher kings,
The involvement of arbiters’ aesthetics in the commissions of high priest managers,
On top of despot psychiatrists’ characters, goals, axiomatic origins, are disposed to
Settling arguments on paper, relating acute affairs to weddings and corteges, alike.
Grasping artificial a priori propositions might negate occurrences or terminologies,
Might duck verbal entropy (the infinity of entirely theoretical “relative meaning”).
Equally, might embrace limited consequence reputed as purely objectivistic, might
Avoid the linguistic nullification ordinarily accompanying our culling urgent care.

Self-presentation corrupts when prioritizing between demographic & psychographic
Variables, when that valuation of rhetoric’s semantic cogency, reliability, openness,
Its transcendence of classification, considers ever present mundane influences over
Phenomena, the nontechnical illumination of events, the breeds of chimerical folks.
Notice, indiscriminate water’s syntax of throes neither accepts nor rejects, indicates
Nothing; makes meaning/sensibility a strange deconstruction of world views, works
Witnesses, creates literature, affords understandings of existent conditions, verifies
Abstract ideas as important, concrete human concerns, but reinvents, maybe reifies.


Individuals with Disparate Resources

Grappling with the nexus of meaning, scruples, modes, and society
Must involve linkages among concrete concerns and abstract ones.
Epitomizing patterns of figurative or psychological references, as
Codifying laws, rules, systems, results in needs for a greater sense
Of transmission’s role in principled world building, in propping up
Identities. Beyond academic thresholds, individuals often fall flat.

Legitimizing objectivistic probes requires using highly prescriptive
Language, lauding the exploration of human models, kowtowing to
Tosh (there are a few palpable benefits to raising fears about ethics.)
Private and public expressions become precursors to most behaviors.
Focused duality, truly, yields manifestation-of-knowledge questions
(Incongruity yet exists amongst “implied” and “stated” disparities.)

Laws, policies, endure even though ignorance produces detriments,
Furthermore, institutions’ advertisements tend to feature suburban,
Rather than urban or rural populations. Reform-based conundrums
Cough up fiscal plus legal variations. Nonetheless, solutions aren’t
Readily forthcoming. Culpability bonds consumers’ varying media
Habits with practitioners’ battles, the antiquated worship of wealth.

Hence, foundations for recceing ubiquitous interactions’ morality,
(The designative, legislative, evaluative powers of symbols versus
Created versions of semantic practices, of philosophy’s chronicles,
Of theories’ sway on conduct), show overt/covert permeation, also
Missing language possibilities. Any type contesting organizational
Agendas can unmask trickeries, data gaps, mislaid conscionability.

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