Literary Yard

Search for meaning


By: Ann Christine Tabaka Tomas looked at the well-worn prayer card with the image of Saint Theresa the Little Flower; reading the prayer on the back before putting it back into the photo sleeve in his wallet between faded pictures…


By: April Mae M. Berza How does God end this year’s storyas He writes wars, disasters, faminein the youthful pages of our own history? Even religions kneel before the chapters of poverty,the soil tillers weed out the lands with sin;how…


By: Adi Halved Sonnet Forget for once the nights,I ask of you, my love:Row these boats with me,Light rivers to above.You try—the moon you peelFalls and a sun revealsAnew’d colours to us, to love. ### Rain Days That Never Were…


By: Mehreen Ahmed Over the Hindu Kush Mountains, a bountiful, lush valley, existed once, famously known as The Indus Valley. Central to the Dravidian civilisation, this Indus Valley flourished by the River Indus, within the enchanting citadels of Harappa and…


By: Armand Silva The air of the cockpit stood still before the partition door slowly opened. A man walked in holding two mugs full of warm dark liquid, holding one out to his copilot as he settled into his seat….


By: Flora Jardine             It’s fun to catch up with people from your past, such as those you knew at university. It surprises me to know what my erstwhile class-mates are doing today. The wealthy one raised in a mansion…

Books Reviews

By: Ruth Z. Deming It happened a long time ago. Robbie Whalen, one of the popular kids at Shaker Heights High School was driving his new vehicle, a Dodge truck, rust-colored, and accidentally ran over a child.             How do…


By: Maham Syed I was lying on my bed when I saw her standing in front of me. Her long jet black hair, dark brown eyes, and pale face with no emotions. She was walking towards me with slow and…


By: Annapurani Vaidyanathan 12 turns should do it, I decide,as I fiddle with the time-turner in my hand.I wonder if the speed might triple, were you in the same continent as me.Because, 365 days ago, before you chose to fly…


By: Rhienna Renee Guedry The work of production in book publishing is the work of white space and the imperceivable. To quote Joe Sparano: “Good design is obvious. Great design is transparent.” And yet it can be challenging to identify…