Literary Yard

Search for meaning


By: James Hippie Intake The intake psychiatrist asked meif I was hearing voices,experiencing hallucinations,or believed I possessedany superpowers. Then he asked meto remember three words: AppleBroadwayPencil Twenty-seven yearslater I canstill recall them,like a mantraor form ofsympathetic magic. As long as…


By: Ryan Quinn Flanagan Forest Dwelling Thing No druid-hung tree for you,no forest dwelling thing,no bloodletters or caregivers –please pass the silent leech tongsof dinner table etiquette. For what ails, there is no cure.No principality of common refuge. That dangling…


Carl Papa Palmer recounts his family’s humorous take on Ash Wednesday, with the priest’s ashen cross on his father’s bald head growing each year. His mother jokes about his ‘big canvas,’ and the siblings teasingly join in. The threat of skipping ice cream silences them, revealing a heartwarming family tradition imbued with laughter and sentiment.


Mayumi reflects on the absence of a loved one during a past birthday, with her pet Tenten still alive then. Now, as another birthday approaches without Tenten, the loved one has returned. Amidst tragedies in the world, Mayumi’s perspective on her small world shifts, desiring the loved one’s presence until her life’s end.

EssayBooks Reviews

Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” promotes compassion to counteract racism, as illustrated by Atticus Finch’s advice to his daughter Scout. Research from Stanford and the University of Texas reinforces the importance of compassion and self-compassion for psychological and social well-being. Kindness and compassion also have contagious effects that benefit society. However, global happiness is declining, a phenomenon that can be remedied by fostering compassion, which is crucial for a content and connected society.


By: R.T. Castleberry THE WORLD IS NOT RENEWED Sleeping beneathGoodwill blanket and sheets,the first rattle of winteragainst the windows,I take tension intoevery breathing day.Feral, almost criminal,I drive back threats, toss backtavern shots and beers.No matter where I strike,any lie or…


By: Dr. Charles Gibson O peace, where art thou? Seek me out as a prize, inthe midst of a plate, observedby one who hungers for fulfillment.Take hold of me, like a memorizedlover, infatuated with my very presence.Grip me, O peace,…


By: Vanaja Malathy What is love? Love is love! Does love happen among the equals? not always…remember the Vendetta between two families of Romeo and Juliet Does love happen between two youngsters? not always… recall Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita Does love…


By: James Aitchison The world does not wait.I will.Hear my voice in thestillness. In the calmnessthat defies distractions.Know the passages oflives and fates,know of the death thatfollows each death,know of love beyond love.The world and its opinionsare not important.I will…

Books Reviews

By: Ramlal Agarwal  Raj Kamal Jha is an IIT student and holds a Master’s from the University of Southern California. He is the chief editor at The Indian Express, the largest newspaper in India. He appeared on the literary scene in 1996 with…