Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Cow Hide

By: Alan Berger She grew up aware of the process of slaughter. She heard it. She saw saw it, she smelled it, she ate it. That is how it turns up down on the farm. This little big 10-year-old girl…

Portrait of a Naked Lady

By: Mark Kodama Our new neighbors Bill and Charlotte had a son Nathan’s age and we were eager to find a playmate for our three-year-old son. My wife and I had met them at an open house. He was a…

The Assistant Town Drunk at Interregnum

By: Todd Mercer The Assistant Town Drunk doesn’t want the pressure that goes part and parcel with managerial titles. So he lives in Town Drunk’s shadow. Call it messing up at messing up. He has laid down and will again…

Patient 347

By: Kaitlyn Reese saw the word “unique” when I was ten. It was hidden in an ancient book in my grandmother’s office, covered by a pile of tousled blue shirts, the same we’d all wear on Monday. I confided in…


By: A. Richard Sogliuzzo Vincent glanced at the graffiti on the wall of the Flatbush Avenue/Brooklyn College subway station, and then laughed. Amidst the usual array of “fuck you, eat shit, etc.” on the walls was a declaration that resonated…

Through the bedroom window

By: Kusum Choppra Through my bedroom window, I look down on a giant bedroom. It sleeps 23 odd scattered around, singles, doubles, triples and quartets. Dark nights offer no glimpse that I rush to catch at daylight. My eyes first…

My Last Few Breaths

By: Prashil  Kumar The night wore a black shroud, gulping the last rays of light away. It manifested in itself, an eerie peacefulness which suctioned my spirit buried somewhere deep within me, over and over again. I moved closer to…

My alien family

By: Stanford Chigaro The African night sky is a wonder. It is the main reason I came to wish to fly. It is the most beautiful art in the history of this world, alive with its raw energy, a song…

Fish and Chips Wrappings

By: Michal Reiben The first time I hear about Carl ‘abducting’ his baby girl from his wife, I am shocked and voice my opinion, ‘You did a cruel and terrible thing,’ I say. In his defense, he says, ‘When I…

Let it D…o…w…n

By Mary E. Myers Jen’s chaotic home was deep in the Rhode Island woodlands and near meadows belonging to electrical steel giants-their grey metal legs heaving high over our bent bodies as we manically collected blackberries before the sparrows raided…