Literary Yard

Search for meaning


man in brown and white long sleeve shirt holding brown wooden stick

Not the King’s English

By James Aitchison In London, just five miles east of Buckingham Palace, a mysterious underground language has evolved.  An English language wherein words such as “frog”, “soldiers”, “Aristotle”, “whistle” and “butchers” do not mean what they are supposed to mean!…

The lost colonies of Utopia 

By James Aitchison Dictionaries tell us that Utopia means a place of ideal perfection.  They also offer a secondary meaning: an impractical scheme for social improvement. Crushing poverty, social inequality and defeat in war drove thousands to start new lives…

Zog: king or clown?

By James Aitchison He was known as the king with the funny name, a self-appointed Muslim ruler who survived 55 assassination attempts, a dictator who fled to The Ritz in London and died in obscurity in France. And while history…

cabins in auschwitz birkenau

Britain’s Royal Nazi

By James Aitchison He was born a British prince.  His father was Queen Victoria’s youngest, brightest son.  He was educated at Eton.  Lewis Carroll, a family friend, dubbed him a “perfect little prince”.  Yet he was denounced in Britain as…

A tale of two Edgars

By: James Aitchison Two men, both Edgars, born in the same year — 1875 — would become the most prolific authors of the twentieth century, creating two fictional characters that have never ceased to capture the world’s imagination — King…