Literary Yard

Search for meaning


people watching two men in fighting arena

Bottom’s Up

By: Kenneth M. Kapp Hype for the fight started six months out. Tom B. Topus and Will T. Snod were in the top ten of heavyweights. Both had impressive records, winning more than 70% of their fights by knockouts. People…

a young woman sitting in a bus near the window

The Girl At The Back Of The Bus

By: William Kitcher The February night was cold, windy, damp, and slushy. The plows hadn’t completely cleared the roads and the near-freezing temperature kept everything in a state of flux. The girl passed by the front of the subway station…

single tree on sea shore

Gabi’s World

By: Bruce Levine Gabi was snoring. It was one of her three favorite things. Not snoring specifically but sleeping. Snoring, it seemed, at least for Gabi, was a side-effect of sleeping. Actually, it might also be a fringe benefit, but…

popcorn in ceramic bowl

The Little Red Popcorn Maker

By: Erik Priedkalns             James brought home the Little Red Popcorn Maker years ago. It looks like one of those carnival fortune teller booths. It has big, round, wood spoke wheels, and golden tow arms. I could see why he…

silhouette of person standing on bridge

The Story of Hicky and Micky

By: Rehanul Hoque (1) “Mom, look at that beautiful house with the stunning white dome over there!” Hicky cried out in excitement. “See how the arches and those tall, grand pillars hold up the huge roof with its sleek glass…

artistic portrait with ethereal blue aura effect

Bommai Golu

By: Priya Anand The invite read – “Come visit my Bommai Golu on 3rd September between 530 and 730 pm”. It was created on CANVA and featured a picture of Vishnu reclining on the coils of a serpent, with Lakshmi…

crime scene near a wooden house

Murder in a Small College Town

By Sally Smithson Sandy hated Jane.  She hated her on sight.  Everyone in the liberal arts college where they both worked, Evergreen College, knew everybody else.  They met at a reception for the new faculty, and Sandy’s eyes glowed with…

grayscale photo of woman


By: Elaine Lennon Christmas is blood red. Up on the hallway ceiling I can’t help but see it without looking, even with all the hours of scrubbing and bleach and white paint to camouflage the residue. There are still traces…

Encownter With a Cow

By: C.A. Broadribb Theresa surveyed her herd of 600 cattle as she sat on top of a hill, sipping on a glass of wine.  Her favourite red-and-white Hereford, Dot, wandered up to nuzzle her hand. “Hello, darling,” she said, stroking…

close up photography of cup of coffee

Almond Cappuccino

By: Ryan Howarth He mops his stomach with a sock, gets up from his bed and goes into the bathroom. His reflection antagonises him with shame. The expression shifts to delight. He’s impressed with his physique today. In the shower…