Literary Yard

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Global Politics

people walking up and down the stairs near temple

Walking Along the Eall

By: Judith Ferster One day in November 2019, when I was traveling with a group in Israel and Palestine, we were walking along the wall separating Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank.  There was much to see because…

Is lasting peace possible?

By William T. Hathaway The wise men of the establishment are again telling us that hopes for lasting peace are a delusion. They declare that human nature makes it impossible, that war is built into our genes. They point to…

Privatizing Nature

By William T. Hathaway The financial wizards of Wall Street have devised a new way to profit from Mother Nature. They’ve created a class of stocks called Natural Asset Companies that will control the earth’s resources such as water, wildlife,…

The First Mistake

By: William T. Hathaway Establishment journalists and politicians are despairingly asking: Why did we fail in our well-meaning efforts to help the Afghan people? What were our mistakes? But they ignore their first mistake: creating the Taliban. The USA’s attempts…

Our Cantilevered Democracy

By: Debra N. Diener American democracy is lauded as structurally solid, composed of three strong equal governmental branches balancing and supporting each other for the good of the country. The fallacy of that assumption repeatedly emerged over these past four…