Literary Yard

Search for meaning


men s black jacket

The Delusions of ‘Modern’ People

By: Nolo Segundo        Modern societies in general and especially it seems those in the West suffer under the widespread delusion that people today are ‘better’ than their ancestors who lived long ago—not just better off in a material sense…

Mao’s revered doctor

By James Aitchison Few Westerners are revered in China.  But one Canadian doctor remains a national hero to this day, honoured in school history books and by statues throughout the country. How his name, Bethune, was translated into Chinese indicates…

close up shot of a gold medal on a black surface

The Role of Literary Awards in Promoting Diverse Voices

In the literary world, awards play an important role in highlighting and celebrating exceptional works. Beyond the accolades and prestige, literary awards serve as powerful instruments for promoting diverse voices, fostering inclusivity, and encouraging fresh perspectives. In many of the…

white ceramic teacup with saucer near two books above gray floral textile

The Evolution of Modern Poetry: Breaking Free

In the early 20th century, modern poetry emerged as a rebellious departure from the structured, often rhyming verses of the past. Pioneering movements like Imagism, led by poets Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot, championed clarity, precision, and vivid imagery. Think…

two people holding black gaming consoles

Are video games really valuable?

By: Yena Lee Currently, 3.32 billion people play games. This means that fifty-three percent of people in the world are gamers. Fifty-eight percent of people eighteen to thirty-four are gamers. For young people, gaming is a habit and a big…

monk holding prayer beads across mountain

An Elderly Buddhist and the End of Pride

By: Simon Heathcote ‘The differences are the result of the sense of doership. The fruits will be destroyed if the root is destroyed. So, relinquish the sense of doership.’ Ramana Maharshi Why does pride head the list of the Seven Deadly…