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Search Results for: annapurani

Perfection in smithereens

By: Annapurani Vaidyanathan POEM #1: There’s nothing perfect about beauty, about you, me and this world that’s doused with entropy. Yet perfect is always what we long for, don’t we? We lose sleep over greying hair and balding foreheads and…

Where our lexicons fall short

By: Annapurani Vaidyanathan The Oxford English dictionary defines a woman as an adult female human being, and stops right there,But the templates wired into our heads go ahead and decide what adjectives she can wear –She’s good if she’s a…


By: Annapurani Vaidyanathan The last leafon the solitary maple treein my backyardsways gently,wondering whyit must wantto hang in there.For, the scent of shiuli flowersand the pine trunks around,hardly allure it now.It is lostin dreams ofsetting itself free,and flitting away into…

Take me back

By: Annapurani Vaidyanathan 12 turns should do it, I decide,as I fiddle with the time-turner in my hand.I wonder if the speed might triple, were you in the same continent as me.Because, 365 days ago, before you chose to fly…


By: Annapurani Vaidyanathan Hope likes to slither away into the shadows. It loves to sleep beneath greying clouds until a ray of sunshine knocks its socks off and floods the sky with rainbows. It needs you to dot the i’s…

I keep forgetting…

By: Annapurani Vaidyanathan That at home or away, I’m always bound by rules. That, I don’t have the privilege to choose. That, I will always be judged, whether I win my battles or lose. That, to muster the courage to…

I thought I saw someone like you…

By: Annapurani Vaidyanathan In the library this morning, when I was picking up the books I had dropped while standing in the queue. I thought I saw your hazel eyes look up for a tick from the pile of newspapers…