Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Daniel Woodrell: Master of Ozark noir

y All of us have seen Jennifer Lawrence’s breakout role in Winter’s Bone, but did anyone ever think the movie is based on a novel by Daniel Woodrell? The author of nine widely-acclaimed novels, Woodrell is often referred to as…

A Secret Door

By: Raymond Greiner Natural wonders stir awe in a display of harmonious balance in contrast to modern human civil composition. Ancient humanity was firmly attached to natural terrestrial arrangements in opposition to present day communal drift, as negative influences are profusely…

Rx against trauma

By: William T. Hathaway We live in traumatic times. The shock waves from wars, terror attacks, and spree shootings reverberate through our society and impact us all. For the direct victims and their family and friends this can be life…

The Karma of Terror

By: William T. Hathaway Terrible terrorists are killing our soldiers in their countries and killing us here at home. How can we stop them? The answer is simple: Stop terrorizing them. We started this war. What we do to others…

Clothes Make the Man

By: Richard D. Hartwell “Clothes make the man.” “You are judged by your appearance.” “Your appearance reveals the real you.” These were some of the admonitions with which I grew up. They were leveled at me almost daily: by my mother,…

Of The Earth

By: Raymond Greiner Humanity can benefit from awareness of Earth’s influential evolutionary cycles and its spectrum of terrestrial life exhibiting ability to adjust and meld with the ever-changing biosphere. Geographic’s form the character of habitat designs dictating survival requirements. Equatorial, temperate…

The Grace of Companionship

By: Raymond Greiner  Companionship defines life. Instinctive thought is of long-term, human partnerships, sharing each day approaching the bond as a single unit, yet interacting in dual servitude toward shared goals. Frequently such arrangements lack balance, but when in sync it’s…

Left Liberals And Counter-History

By: Gaither Stewart I read a Facebook post by an American Liberal comparing the refusal of the French Far-Leftist Jean-Luc Melanchon to choose between Emmanuel Macron and the rightist Marine Le Pen as President of France to the Left’s rejection of…