Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Story: Lightning

By: Milt Montague All children love pets. Cats and dogs are the top candidates in this category of unconditional sources of love. They visibly and audibly return the love and attention lavished upon them by humans. The four Montague children…

Story: Lurking in the Shadows

By: Obinna Ozoigbo A laconic cigarette dangled from the corner of Grandpa’s mouth, smoldering, as he parked his sleek Ferrari near the river. A trilby hat sat on his head, concealing his hairless crown, but revealing wispy tufts of grey…

Story: O Susannah won’t you cry for me?

By: Charles “Chuck” Orloski One day in the life of Michael and Alexander Smith A beautiful South Carolina night, insect screams, and an occasional lonely “plop”noise as hungry fish briefly touched surface of John D. Long Lake. Demonically obsessed, Susan…

Story: Diary of a Goldfish

By: Will Darlington Day 1, 10.13 a.m. Well, here I am. Not quite sure where I am, or what I’m doing here, but I am here. There must be a reason for my being here but I do not precisely know,…

Story: A Damn Good Day

By: Michael C. Keith Fear is faith that it won’t work out. –– Anonymous Maxwell Booth sits in his doctor’s lobby awaiting the results of his x-ray. A cough that started months earlier has worsened to the point that he has…

Story: The Escape

By: Raja Jaiswal The railway station of a small town, near Gorakhpur, had been renovated to a new level, on the theme of palace. A flash crowd appeared very timely, routinely, humming and driving their luggage to platform, through the…

Story: How pretty it looked

By: Samantha Memi The early morning light streamed through the hospital windows, capturing floating specks of dust, and glistening on the polished floor. The two sisters waited in the reception area, not noticing the sunlight outside. Having travelled through the…

Story: Cadbury

By: Rajendra Roul The weather could not have been more pleasant.  There was no humidity. No sweating either. A soft breeze was blowing calmly darting a romantic surge through their spines. The sun was nowhere in the sky. That does not…

Story: Life Without Love

By: Gaither Stewart ‘…..There is the heat of Love, the pulsing rush of Longing, the lover’s whisper, irresistible—magic to make the sanest man go mad.’ (Homer’s ILIAD) Alessandro Bramante was in love with love. Like other lovers Alessandro was the…