Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Story: How pretty it looked

By: Samantha Memi The early morning light streamed through the hospital windows, capturing floating specks of dust, and glistening on the polished floor. The two sisters waited in the reception area, not noticing the sunlight outside. Having travelled through the…

Story: Cadbury

By: Rajendra Roul The weather could not have been more pleasant.  There was no humidity. No sweating either. A soft breeze was blowing calmly darting a romantic surge through their spines. The sun was nowhere in the sky. That does not…

Story: Life Without Love

By: Gaither Stewart ‘…..There is the heat of Love, the pulsing rush of Longing, the lover’s whisper, irresistible—magic to make the sanest man go mad.’ (Homer’s ILIAD) Alessandro Bramante was in love with love. Like other lovers Alessandro was the…

Story: Swannanoa

By: Gaither Stewart Some people peel apples in thick layers, heedlessly and negligently cutting away half the apple. Others squint and observe closely the fruit, stripping its skin paper-thin in an unbroken circular thread, lovingly and frugally, as if it…

Story: Saint Peter’s Prescience

By: DC Foster The azure radiance had no end – just a global horizon where the sky curled around the planet and out of sight. A range of mountainous clouds navigated the blue above, leaving smoky trails in their wakes….

Story: Mounted Stentor

By: Prosenjit Dey Chaudhury On at least one Sunday of each month, a house up the street used to hold a lot of attraction for a number of people. On that side of the street ran a slow, thick stream with…

Story: Pandemonium

By: Ruth Z. Deming The phone, which lay beside her in bed, began to ring. “Gerry, I can’t talk now,” she said, “I’m in the middle of a movie. Call you later?” She was watching a rental of “A Night…

Story: The Girl With The Cracked Face

By: Kakoli Mukherjee  Rains in Hyderabad are like board exams. Before you can realise what’s happening, it’s all over you. You are left with no choice but deal with it stoically, cursing yourself for not being better prepared. I remember getting…

Story: Underneath the Arches

By: Gaither Stewart     “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.” Oscar Wilde. The crowd had started yelling and hollering and clapping at the first notes from his…

Story: What Remains

By: Michael C. Keith                                   Reasons are not like garments, the worse for wearing.  –– Robert Devereux Knowing he was not long for this world, Philip Desmond decided to clean out his closet. He had not done so in…