By: Vanessa Cutts A dusty old brass gramophone stood in the corner of the square, sparsely furnished room. The only other piece of furniture was a long wooden divan seat that doubled for sitting and sleeping. Black and white photos of…
By: Richard Lutman He hoped the long drive through the cold December rain would be worth it. The decision to see Nancy again hadn’t been an easy one. It had been a year since he’d seen her last. There had…
By: Joseph Grant The venerable old Grand Central Market was as good a place to meet as any, thought Eddie Ruggerio. It had been on Grand Street for almost a decade on the entire ground floor of the Homer Laughlin…
By: Onkar Sharma The Monday morning blues kept on gripping me as I drove through the busiest Delhi-Jaipur highway in Gurgoan. There is an important meeting today with the client, I thought and accelerated. But then, something happened to vehicles…
By: Anna Spencer Hang Borin is a Khmer writer whom I have had the great pleasure of meeting recently. He was born in a refugee camp in Thailand in 1987. His mother had made the perilous journey over…
By: Diane L. Merkel Just above a Geico bill and below a Chase credit card statement rested a white envelope. It was addressed to Leo in handwriting that was not unfamiliar to him; handwriting which debuted on the back cover…
By Kersie Khambatta The silverback sat in solitary splendour. His extended family was spread all around him, at a respectful distance. He chose to ignore them. Two young ones were bored. They walked about a bit, and found…
Amish Tripathi is back with the final book in the Shiva Trilogy: ‘The Oath of the Vayuputras. One thing is sure. There is a lot more in the myths discovered by this man who left his MNC job and held…
Irrespective of current novelists in India, what drew editor’s interest most was a mythological novel–‘Asura–Tale of the Vanquished’ by Anand Neelakantan. It is author’s debut book and really impresses with out of the league approach of treating a malevolent character…