Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Story: Pool Cleaner in the Yucatan

By: Eric G. Müller Stacie looked out the airplane window. The last time she was in Cancun she got knocked up. That was fifteen years ago. An abortion, a string of boyfriends and a failed marriage lay between. Now she was…

Story: The Artist

By: Joshua Medsker   Peter Loew dug his hands furiously into the hard clay. “Come on, you rotten son of a bitch.” Swearing at the clay helped him get on top of it and make it do his bidding. He…

Story: That Day He Fell

By: Ikwuagwu Osita Victor   The last fisherman stared at me suspiciously before walking, languidly, away with his fishing paraphernalia. I wondered what was going on in his mind. Perhaps he was thinking another youngster has gone bananas, or that…

Story: Considering the Razor’s Edge

By: DC Foster Scar tissue mottled the old man’s hands, the thinner the lighter; it ran like Desert Storm camouflage from his wrists into his fingers toward the jaundiced nails that tipped each of his ten digits. No, nine digits. His…

Story: The Witness

By: W. Jack Savage   I woke up, having planned to go in a little late and had told my employer so the night before. My son’s birthday was coming up and I knew what he wanted. It was a T-shirt…

Story: Desire

By: Lee Oleson Sylvia had a face too thin, eyes sunk deep, shoulders and body uncomfortably narrow, dark hair, and a neck a little too long, jumbled into what’s sometimes called unconventional beauty. She had made her way through life…

Story: The Guitarist’s Fortune

By: Erin F. Robinson It was his last night playing guitar at the tango salon as a bachelor. His band mates lined up at the bar, and as Flor poured them each a glass of gin, she raised the last glass…

Story: Wanderer Overlooking The Sea Of Fog

By: John Michael Flynn   Christmas was a week away when Tillman Grossklag found Claudia Ruden face down in vomit on the floor of her Manhattan apartment. Tillman was the only person Claudia had entrusted with a key. Tillman removed the…

Story: Kid’s Books

 By: Ian Cassidy    As a child I never read a kid’s book, I just didn’t get on with them. Narnia, Wind in the Willows, Winnie, Alice and William, I read them all later, as an adult, I think they’re…