Literary Yard

Search for meaning


A lunch

By: J.D. Diaz After closing, when all the diners and most of the staff were gone and he was done cleaning his station and knives, he helped Javier with the dishes and mopping the floor. They had a smoke by…

School Project

By Ramprasath Rengasamy      ‘That the sperm of a man be putrefied by itself in a sealed cucurbit for forty days with the highest degree of putrefaction in a horse’s womb, or at least so long that it comes to…

The Wizard of Mar-a-Lago

By Mark Kodama, Jim Bates and Kim Hood The Wizard of Mar-a-Lago Donald, a rich kid from Kansas and his friends Breitbart,and  Michael the Fixer meet at Donald’s tree house for their monthly meeting for the local chapter for the…

New Beginnings

By Andrew Wolczyk The preacher walked alone down the dusty street, looking neither right nor left, his focus on the distant horizon line.  He had walked for days, and he knew that he would walk for days more, maybe weeks,…

Harriet, Harriet!

By Gaither Stewart                         What might have been and what has been                        Point to one end, which is always present.                        Footfalls echo in the memory                        Down the passage which we did not take….                                     T.S. Eliot                                                           1.           After Alessandra…

Uriel Fox Runs for Mayor

By: John F Zurn Uriel Fox enjoyed his many discussions with his fellow citizens of Newton. Nearly every evening, he’d meet group retirees and enjoy coffee and stimulating conversation. One afternoon when some seniors suggested that he should run for…

After Laughing

By:  Dennis Vannatta It had been Roger Barr who phoned the office, but it was his wife, Connie, who answered Earl’s knock on the door.             “Roger can’t talk to you right now, Sheriff,” she said.  “He’s too upset.”            …

The Hill

By: Don Tassone Henry Valentine sat straight up in bed, awakened by the morning sun, thinking he had overslept.  Confused, he looked over at his clock.  7:18.  His heart raced.  Is this Saturday?  Yes, it’s Saturday.  Thank God.  For a…

The Gazebo

By: Linda Barrett                                                               Ron didn’t want to come on the New Directions road trip but his stepbrother, Tim, forced him into it. Agnes DellaRossa, the support group’s leader recommended it to him when she called him earlier that morning….