By: Raymond Greiner I lived in Vienna West Virginia until age 11, we then moved to Marion, Ohio where I entered the 6th grade, in 1951. We all have memories of our early years as we awakened to the world,…
By: Damon Ferrell Marbut You could have told me anything about relationships when I was in graduate school, anything about how they function or operate, and I generally would not have listened. Love? I was all in because I saw it…
What kind of a feeling runs through your veins when you hear of a dead author’s work garnering thousands of dollars in auctions? Does it surprise you, enthrall you or make you respect that author even more? Believe me none…
By: Patricia Daly-Lipe At times I wonder – what Just wonder what is meant By the wonders that I’ve wondered In times long past and spent. (Daly Highleyman, author’s father) Belief in God does not lead to a linear or one…
By William T. Hathaway From the book RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War “That must be them.” Petra took one hand off the steering wheel and pointed to a group of soldiers about two hundred meters away, standing along our road…
By: Raymond Greiner Travel and roads are synonymous lending credence to the popular philosophical phrase “Life is a journey not a destination.” Contemplating travel and roads metaphorically stirs a range of thoughts. The Universe exhibits infinite molecular diversity in a…
Cara Andréa, I am staying on Rue Marcadet it could be said to be la belle quartier, it starts from Rue Caulaincourt like St Germaine and ends on Rue Clignancourt the veritable ghetto. I am typing from a Parisian brasserie…
By Fayroze Lutta To you, Your surname means youthful, tender, smooth and in French pronounced souplé and all for me crémeuse. As you talk to a crowd you have an awkward stammer and stutter, slightly punctuating your speech .The way…
By: William T. Hathaway “The Indian Uprising” by Donald Barthelme is an iconic short story of the 1960s heralding the defeat of the US empire and the end of white male dominance. Written as the USA was mired in a…
By: Charles X. Madruga The midnight ceiling of my unconscious celestial dome caves in, becomes invaded by slivers of silver light. A blinding alarm clock, like curtains being swung open in the middle of a vacation. My eyes follow…