Literary Yard

Search for meaning



By: Raymond Greiner At the river daily I see the Heron wading. Classified as an aquatic bird; the Heron is equally reliant on land. The riverbank offers access to food sources, building its nest in a high tree relying on its…

SAMs for Uncle Sam

By William T. Hathaway From the Book RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War   Merna al-Marjan is a young Iraqi who is currently in Germany studying European history. We talked in her dormitory room, a spartan but functional cubicle in a…

The Aureate lights

By: Shruthi Vatsyayani It’s a good feeling, flying back home, to the warmth of the familiarity, something you have known all your life, after a tough semester. The small interval of time before boarding the flight and after collecting the…

Comparing Evils

By William T. Hathaway From the Book RADICAL PEACE: People Refusing War Jamal Khan is an Afghan journalist who fled his country because of Taliban persecution and now lives in Germany. We met in the apartment of a mutual friend…

Non-fiction: Dear Professors

By: Damon Ferrell Marbut You could have told me anything about relationships when I was in graduate school, anything about how they function or operate, and I generally would not have listened. Love? I was all in because I saw it…

A Self-destroying Career?

What kind of a feeling runs through your veins when you hear of a dead author’s work garnering thousands of dollars in auctions? Does it surprise you, enthrall you or make you respect that author even more? Believe me none…

Essay: Immortality? Perhaps

By: Patricia Daly-Lipe At times I wonder – what Just wonder what is meant By the wonders that I’ve wondered In times long past and spent.  (Daly Highleyman, author’s father)   Belief in God does not lead to a linear or one…