By: Charles X. Madruga The midnight ceiling of my unconscious celestial dome caves in, becomes invaded by slivers of silver light. A blinding alarm clock, like curtains being swung open in the middle of a vacation. My eyes follow…
By: Brett Busang Columbus, Ohio is where my mother went to college for a few years; the painter George Bellows first noticed that he could draw the straight line that is said to elude non-artists; and where James Thurber, known for…
By: Richard D. Hartwell She’d been plying him with gifts for a month or so. He started to stay over about halfway through the month. A few of his uniform things hung in her closet, but mostly the new things…
By: Valery Petrovskiy When he came, a book lay on my desk, just children’s book, no suspense. Mere travel notes of a man who spent a vacation in Siberia rafting with his friends: fishing around and hunting whenever possible, they…