Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Poem: A Bird of Nothingness

By: Zunayet Ahammed For her impulses intensified We poured and didn’t pour light Into her shadowy recollection Saying all this She faded away Like time flower But doesn’t she pass away afar Making us paranoid More passionately forever? She exists Like…

Poem: The Struggle For Existence

By: Pijush Kanti Deb The tree is too generous to hide its helplessness and the golden creeper is opportunist to accomplish its earthly compulsion- ‘’The struggle for existence’’. Here, as the difference is significant and debatable too so accountable is…

Poem: Where is The Ladder?

By Pijush Kanti Deb My old father shouts at me, ‘’Where is the ladder?’’ and throws me too into his spring time to witness a sweet flashback where, the shamefulness and fear are seen climbing a ladder to reach up…

Poem: Dreams only work if you do

By: Linda M Crate the crows follow me remind me to give wings to my dreams make them a reality, and it must suck to be you standing in monuments of moments that you mean to forget; always buried in…

Poem: shedding pettiness

By: Linda M Crate i have always tempered my tongue before i spoke to remain tactful and kind, but sometimes it’s so tempting to become like the monsters in my life simply ripping people apart with their tongue; but then…

Poem: Angel Trumpet

By: Tamara White I She sits And waits. The Angel Trumpet of the Bar Her bloom is full, her vibrant coloring flawless. No sharp edges just soft lines flowing seamlessly together to create her seductiveness. Waist is narrow like a delicate…

Poem: A Lost Face and then Some

By: Tom Sheehan When asked to read to celebrate my new book of memoirs, I let the audience enter the cubicle from where the work came. I told them: I’ll celebrate with you by telling you what I know, how…

Poem: A Mother and Her Son

By: Indunil Madhusankha  We have an āchchi in the neighbourhood She has a son fitting to be called a highly dedicated son She sweats out from morning till night cooking, washing, sweeping and cleaning She performs all the daily chores Her…

Poem: Emotion

By: Anca Mihaela Bruma Each of your Emotion, tears the Time’s tactile sense!… Inside this bi-polar Existence… With unspoken words, floating within spaces… Each of your Emotion, Has a different season!… But I found a Place, to raise the Punctuation… where…

Poem: Night

By: Joan McNerney Slides under door jambs pouring through windows painting my room black. This evening was spent watching old movies. Song and dance actors looping through gay, improbable plots. All my plates are put away, cups hanging on hooks….