Literary Yard

Search for meaning


By: Ramprasath I never go alone anywhere. But this one didn’t go as planned. Me and my friend were planning to go for a trek in Cherokee National Forest. But he turned down at the last moment. That left me to…


By: Steven Lebow Seven thousand suns are a virgin in the sky.I am that virgin who abstains,I am that priest who wears no shoesbecause he owns none. Suns are the gypsies of the sky and we are eunuchs, bound to them….


By: Austin J. Dalton The editor is a professional, and for that reason he typically doesn’t have time to answer questions for prying pissants like me. He punches into his shift early, and then after some brief and frivolous socializing…


By Olatubosun David That season when no rain falls Sky underlines blue heaven Searing sun dries the puddles On the farm roads The misty breeze blows In the morning The hills, the mountains Are shrouded in the mist At a…


By Chinese Poet Yuan HongriTranslated by Manu Mangattu The Outer Music In dreams the gods told me that the world is a dreamland So I forgot the honor and disgrace of life, even believe not day and night My body…


By: Pawel Markiewicz mysterious mystic mythical merry-ladybug you are melancholy like little wolf loving Little Red Riding Hood in the pond of the muses feelings You are a lily of eternity which can smell very cute gorgeous gentle genial grasshopper You…


By: Karl Miller Prologue – Jibacoa, Cuba: July 4, 1868 In the darkness behind a large, white, two-story mansion just outside the small fishing village of Jibacoa, three rows of twenty balloons line a hundred-foot dock that stretches out into…


By: Amirah Al- Wassif traveling on the right wing of an angeltake me away, away to my first dancedragging ourselves through the fancy castleshakes me today, today as it is my chanceoh! how far our starry nightoh! what a rare any…


By: Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal The Ghosts of the Battlefield The ghosts of the battlefield wear their uniforms and their bracelets, walk with their bullet riddled bodies. A dog can sense a spirit or two and barks and barks his lungs out….


By: Don Thompson 1. Deep in the weeds of volume three of Modern Painters (in Part IV and Chapter XII), John Ruskin has included an essay under the title, “Of The Pathetic Fallacy”. This is one of those literary terms that…