Literary Yard

Search for meaning


The Jaipur Literature Festival, claimed to be the world’s largest free literary festival, today announced the first line-up of authors set to attend next year’s festival, which runs from 17th – 21st January 2014. Featuring Pulitzer Prize winners, academics from…

Literary criticism

By: Kousik Adhikari   Ayn Rand in her ‘The Romantic Manifesto’ pointed out that thriller is in a way a kind of simplified version of the romantic literature. We could also add with some certainty that thrillers may be called also…


By: Michael C. Keith Drawing is the true test of art.  –– J.A.D. Ingres Year after year, Maurice Lucerne set up his wooden easel on the narrow streets of Paris’s Left Bank and painted caricatures for tourists. It was how…


Here is a list of books which Amazon has declared as the best-selling. I would rather put the entire press release in front of you without cutting or chopping words to let you decide if the list sounds genuine or…


By: Claire Scott We hold our dead hostage Squeezing every memory Every story every feeling As though they were oranges With eternal juice Keeping faded photos Old diaries– ways to keep Them more alive than dead Keep them hovering Listening to…


By: Claire Scott The past cancels the present Closing doors and windows With clicks and slams Circling and circling In a closed space The continuous curve Of a mobius strip The past sucking possibility Eating our present minute by minute Hour…


By: Claire Scott I live inside parentheses My home since I was six At night I gently lift one Or the other and slip out Tentative, tactful Not upsetting syntax Not capsizing capital letters Or kicking commas To the foot of…


By: Claire Scott the other day wearinga heavy overcoattall rubber bootsa plaid scarf wrappinghis heavenly neckcoughing, his voice nasal fromscotch and cigaretteslooking slightly stoutlooking slightly bentstubble on his divine cheeksoccasional nose picking a bit grouchy, complaints ofstuck bowels, arthritic knees he…


By: Brian Barbeito He pulled up to the place where they once sat together. That was the place on the outskirts of the suburbs, where the highway stretched south towards the major city and all that it entailed. To the…


By: Brian Michael Barberton He was almost six feet tall and didn’t know what to do with his height or anything much at all for that matter. It was early in September, and we had not played our first game….