Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Literary Yard invites stories, poems, essays and articles on literature, criticism and literary trends, among other topics.

Send your best write-ups in a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file. Do not send PDFs. If you’re sending poems, DO NOT make a separate submission for each poem. It makes our job as editors cumbersome.

No need to send a cover letter, but we deserve a kind email with regular/formal courtesy.

Please state your pen name clearly in the email so that it can be used as the author. In addition, make sure your contact information appears either in your email or in the attachment.

Author bios are optional but look good towards the end of the publication. We encourage you to share the author bio in only 60 words (maximum).

Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please let us know as soon as any of your poems, stories, essays, reviews, critical pieces or non-fiction are accepted elsewhere.

No previously published works, please.

The copyright for works published will remain with the author. But in the succeeding publication, do not forget to credit us, though it is not mandatory.

Good luck.  We look forward to reading you.

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