Literary Yard

Search for meaning

April Salzano

Poem: When it Died

By: April Salzano it didn’t make any of the sounds I had expected. No wailing howl, no shrill scream, not even a broken sob that lasted into that first night alone. No angry hyperventilating choke, no empty gurgle of loss, no…

Poem: Windows Are Rolled Down

By: April Salzano I cannot remember the last time I drove like this, the air of autumn filling every space of my interior with warm rhythm, uneven presence. I am not sure how a song by this title has much to…

Poem: From Age This Blindness

By: April Salzano Latent Farsightedness, a hidden prescription you have compensated for all of your life, the eye doctor said. My pupils swallowed his face and most of the light in the room, dilated in ocular contraction. In other words, I…