Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Poem: In The Moment On The River

By: G. Louis Heath I am looking at the motorboats racing up And down, going nowhere it seems, in the Pursuit of pleasure. This is recreation on The mighty river that runs through my town. I sit on a bench…

Poem: Shipmates

By: Tom Sheehan Two boys went to sea last night, riding an ice floe broken from the river dam, pilots at the helm. Some say a standard flew, brisk pennant’s wave, admiral’s flagship. I dream of water and ice, dread…

Poem: If I were a river

By: April Mae Berza If I were a river, I will choose you as my destination, to flow like the tears of the cherubs one summer to quench the thirst of the vineyards. I could hear the orchestra, your violin laughter…

Poem: Current

By:  Richard Luftig A river needs descent of an eighth of an inch per mile to produce a flow, and if that is the case, our river probably fails—Henry David Thoreau This river has nowhere special to go and all…


By: Ted Mc Carthy I Dark is falling on the river, on the milk of insects, on eggs under the dockleaves, such dark as the long evening permits. The air is tart with the scent of herbs of forgetfulness, spores that…

Poem: Hello

By: April Mae M. Berza Let my hello catch you once more, a checkmate in our conversations, the blades of grass not yet mowed as high as the fence. The river be a river envious of the pearls in your chest…

Poem: If I were a river

By: April Mae M. Berza If I were a river, I will choose you as my destination, to flow like the tears of the cherubs one summer to quench the thirst of the vineyards. I could hear the orchestra, your…

Poem: River

By: Upasana Sharma My river is mist and smoke. 300 feet deep and 3 kilometers wide, My river,  Is a great big miracle. Some number of Lonely dolphins and happy humans have left their souls Stirring under the translucent roots…

Poem: The Riverside spirits

The river still waits for the boats that once sailed over to the other side with hopes to conquer lands beyond the distant hillocks. Centuries have gone by yet no fellow returned. Not even a descendant ever showed up. No news…