Poem: Anxiety
By: Runaaz A Sharma

Heart pounding, mind numbing
Fidgeting fingers, skimming through tome
Eyes darting, ears perking
On every able drone
Silence descends
All ascend
Perching in nest
Devoid of pandemonium
Prayers are murmured
Papers are shuffled
Apprehension drowning my soul
What lay ahead
Prime in mind
Wrestling with thoughts in psyche
My, O, My
The dreaded demon bursts out rite
With sweating palms and thundering hearts
Realization dawns
All my efforts shattered and gone
Please take pity on my vulnerable soul
Hopelessness crowding, drowning me insane
A miracle is what I need, oh god!
To make those responsible insightful
I hear changes are creeping
For the good of one and all
To what extent it will help
Only time will tell
So help us god!!!!