Literary Yard

Search for meaning

By: Bekah Steimel


Pretend death mailed you a final notice
what would you modify, what would you hold close
to the ticking time bomb in your chest?
give yourself a day to really die, a day to embrace
what matters to shove away what did matter
when you believed breath was infinite
when you believed in due time
assess your legacy, your heart, your beliefs
will you repair broken promises with the tool of apology?
will you request the same reconstruction from others?
you can choose to fixate on flaws, or focus on
forgiveness the choice was always yours
the choice was never easy
not all enemies deserve to be kissed.
not all enemies deserve to be enemies.
what will the world inherit from your existence?
did you pollute or pollinate?
unleash your love on those who will mourn you
most miss you most made you most
now rip up that final notice
and give yourself a day to really live.


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