Poem: Limited Means and Unlimited Longings
By: Pijush Kanti Deb
How long is the tape of longings?
Unlimited- the prompt hereditary answer
One of the childish ideas
We conceive and feel proud of
Counting stops itself very soon
in measuring
The limited means of the earth,
The limited span of life
And the limited absorption capability of humans
Yet unabated is the tickling of tongue
On the elastic wall of heart
For stretching the tape up to the sky
The reiterating advises of soul-
A neglected part of the greater body,
To have a balance
Between longings and longevity.
How intelligent we are?
Why we cry
In spite of living on the God’s best creation?
The queries are stills unanswered
And we raise our hands foolishly
In concluding
Limited means and unlimited longings
As the black cloud of all drops of tears
we ought to ask our mirrors,
‘’Why the unlimited longings are made free
To drown us into the ocean of tears’’?