Poem: Red Rain Boots
By: Kimberly Potter Kendrick
He desired rain boots,
specifically Red Rain Boots
She being she
and him being him
She knows wants are not needs
He knows what he wants
He knows her
She knows him
Together they scheme
Stores around the town
Stores online
Zealously searching
Suddenly she spots them,
Red Rain Boots
Her fingers quickly work
Available sizes
There it was in black and white
A boys size 10
Red Rain Boots boys size 10
The wait begins
The wait for the Red Rain Boots
The wait for him
Far away in miles, in hours
Close in hearts
He knows she loves him
She knows he loves her
She knows he’ll love his new Red Rain Boots
The day arrives
He comes to visit her
She holds the box
Eyes widen
Uncontrollable jumping
Bursting with excitement
She shows him how
He puts on his new Red Rain Boots
She knew he wanted Red Rain Boots,
but she was not aware of his intense desire
Red Rain Boots worn to the beach
Red Rain Boots worn to the library
Red Rain Boots worn to the grocery store
Red Rain Boots worn to the doctor
Red Rain Boots worn to bed
His joy is her joy
He loves his Red Rain Boots
She smiles because she love him