‘A Different Kind of Lovely’ a novel by Petra March
‘A Different Kind of Lovely’ is a new novel recently released. The novel claims to keep readers engaged till the end with its interesting line of story and characters. Penned by Petra March, the novel is a story of a man (Neal Medwin) with a damaged soul who fell in love with a ballerina having broken body.
When Neal Medwin glimpses Mina Automne for the first time, he’s a man whose soul is darkened with memories of a painful past, whereas Mina is a vibrant, strong, young woman. She’s a determined ballerina who’s carefully planning and painting her life. Neal steps into her existence and threatens to shatter Mina’s plans with an impossible request.
Mina can’t help the fragile man who’s invading her home, even though their parents used to be close friends and she knows of Neal’s hurtful background. She allows him to linger within her lovely and artistic world, however, hoping he might find some peace and solace. Slowly, their conflict turns into friendship, and eventually into love, until a terrible discovery ruins Mina’s projects and forces her to let go of all her dreams, and of her sweet, damaged man.
Neal is unable to fight for Mina and for the unripe love they share, because he’s not ready to leave his past behind. He’s not strong enough – not yet.
Here is the prologue of the novel:
Mina Automne danced through the pain until she managed to turn it into pleasure. She didn’t need music to accompany the movements of her legs, of her arms, of her fingers, for the wind was the conductor of an orchestra of the most particular instruments. It shook the leaves of apple trees and made them chime. It played among grapevines and teased them like fingertips on violin strings.
The lavender flowers bowed forward as Mina’s neck arched gracefully backwards.
The weeds trembled, while Mina’s body spun and leaped higher and lighter.
The sky above was a cerulean blue, dotted with pure white clouds, and Mina’s lithe limbs reached for those unblemished shapes.
When she danced, her parents’ disapproval did not matter; when her frame played, the hurtful words of her ex-lover could not break her.
Mina was shaping her life around her art, and she was going to be the greatest. There was nothing wrong with her choices, and there was nothing wrong with her body. She was meant to be a ballerina, and she was capable of feeling pleasure.
The wind teased her fiery red curls; the long strands caressed her bare shoulders and arms, and her blood felt ablaze with adrenaline. Beads of sweat ran along the pale skin of her face, and touched her lips. Mina licked the drops, and tasted salt mingled with excitement. She arched up towards the bright sky, and declared herself a creature of power and beauty.
A Different Kind of Lovely: A Novel, by Petra March
Copyright 2017 Petra March. All rights reserved.
Editors: Michelle Ryles (The Book Magnet), Heather Sheffield (The Turning Pages),Sharon Taylor Xuereb (@sharonsbooknook)
Onkar: So special of you to help promote writers efforts. Petra March is most certainly very appreciative. This defines your character. Raymond >
Thanks. I wish I could help everyone.
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