The Libido
By: Shilpa Girish

That! Your sight of lust,
Caused me twirl my head away
Swaying my reticence
And, when you clasped my face,
Caressed my forehead,
Then my eyes and cheeks,
I wanted to stay in your embrace forever!
But it’s then! I was cajoled,
With warmth of your lips on mine,
With your eyelids muddling mine,
While they fluttered to accompany
My nonplussed state, while I lost in your warmth
Later, for which my conscience arouse
To battle with your hands,
With your libido, to make a further move
And get all-over and inside me!
Besides, my intent was clear!
Never to slay your emotions my dear;
But, to make you perceive,
To alert you to wait for the day
When I would not barricade any of your sensations
I suppose, you get my belief!
So proud of you

much more to go