Literary Yard

Search for meaning

‘To Awaken a Forgotten Love’ and other poems

By: Irma Kurti

To awaken a forgotten love

The voice of my memories called me
to awaken an almost forgotten love;
to feel the beat of my heart again
in the city where we found each other.

Something hits my chest like a sudden pain—
it’s the longing that makes me suffer.
I would give everything, just as I did then,
to hear you say, “I love you.”

I know every street of this city,
it’s you that I don’t know well.
Although your kiss is still on my lips;
although we still stay together—
the voice of my memories calls me.

One day

One day you won’t be jealous;
you won’t admire me in silence.
When I come home late,
you won’t ask me: “Why?”

You won’t sleep with my image;
won’t wake up dreaming of me.
I’ll not be part of your thoughts;
my voice won’t sound like a melody.

You won’t keep me in your heart;
we’ll debate, maybe without end.
I’ll get tired and break into pieces;
I’ll feel pity for us, for myself.

I hope I won’t live till that day;
I hope that day never comes when,
like a dream or a memory,
you bring me into your mind.


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