Literary Yard

Search for meaning


on a path that’s zigzagged
we chase wisdom, minimum and maximum.
with each step, you grow a memory
closer to our truth we’ll be.

but most not be enlighten
until you do journey to it
which most have many patience
in the seized words, in the noise,
enlightenment draw to us quiet bliss.
through the struggles, through the strife,
find the deeper meaning of life.

every step, a lesson learned,
on this path, true light is earned


Salihu Muhammad Ebba (Legend Bard) is a budding Nigerian writer/poet from Niger state. is a bright and ambitious individual, currently studying at Legend International School Minna with a strong foundation from Guided Medal Model School, Minna. He is also a member of Hil-top Creative Act Foundation (HCAF), He was driven into the world to succeed and make a meaningful impact on society. 

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