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Search Results for: keith moul

Poem: Of Life that Inhabits this Place

By: Keith Moul Not diverse, but abundant in possession: on lonely grasslands, farmlands, plains or rare marshlands, suited species excel in fevered climate of inhospitable places. Here I choose a likely spot among them, adept, camouflaged, but only to observe. Shelter…

Poem: Led to Slaughter, Chicago Style

By: Keith Moul “Modern travel: convenient speed”: Railroad Promotion latter 19th century. Amid squeals cattle came along as well. Destined to the center of stink, ever rising, to be butchered, rendered down to hooves. Miasma grew inland from Lake Michigan, emitted…

Poem: Darling Honey

By: Keith Moul Across the bow blows a divine wind, the kamikaze. A battle at sea teaches us about God; and God burns His image in the minds of the living; God incinerates the dead, so often leaving boiling blood as…

Poem: In Memory of Ken Patterson

By: Keith Moul At its beginning forty years ago, this poem was formless and void. I don’t remember precisely a sequence of first days and nights, but with Ken there was energy of new light, separate from the dark, big…

Poem: Opportunity

By: Keith Moul Discerning fully its act, Genius breaks into a glass house, breaking glass but indifferent to its breaking felony LAW. Tiny splinters now attend Genius, inhibiting a full search. More clattering ensues, stark collapse of weakened walls. Genius understands…