Literary Yard

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Posts by: admin

Story: The Eyes of the Sun

By: Brian Barbeito (For the electric light queen)   “Mama always told me not to look into the eyes of the sun.” -Bruce Springsteen, Blinded By The Light   You are in the eyes of the sun. I saw that a…

Story: Dear Daddy

By: Michael C. Keith Revenge is a kind of wild justice.  –– Francis Bacon   Doug Barren pressed his mother about the identity of his birthfather for months before she very reluctantly told him. It was the most devastating revelation…

Story: Armor and Amour

By: Brian Barbeito In the morning the brightness tried to come through the drapes though there was a thick thread count.The drapes were a dark gray, the sheets white and orange- with small shapes- gaily dancing atop- always so happy to…

Story: Sounds of Memory

By: Brian Barbeito The dog must have had a nightmare then. The houses and streets cupped in the thick hours of dark, the dog barking- almost yelling at something. Waking up then- descending stairs, cold and then plush basement carpets to…

Story: Petal

By: Olusola Akinwale My sister Monica’s nickname is Petal. I gave her this moniker when she was two because she loved that colored part of a flower and was just as delicate. Sam was the first born in our family,…