By: William T. Hathaway The presidency of Donald Trump is going to be a slap in the face of American workers that will wake us up to the reality of social class. Big T’s pedal-to-the-metal policies will show us clearly…
By: Tiana Lavrov Schizophrenia — the dichotomous construct of unitary, discrete psychoses originated in 19th century German apologist psychiatry — arising in the fledgling German Emil Kraepelin; student of neuropathology and experimental psychology while relocated near western Saxony’s University of Leizpig…
By: Gaither Stewart “Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” George Bernard Shaw Change is a word that both intellectuals and the intelligentsia of America are discussing in these times. However, one is justified to wonder what kind…
By: Ilgin Yildiz Death and desire are inexhaustible themes in literary works, and short story as a brief literary form, allows for condensed and layered philosophical and psychological explorations. This essay will deploy a psychoanalytical perspective to discuss stories by Katherine Mansfield, Raymond…
By: Gaither Stewart Indifference is an American-European story. As French chansonnier Serge Gainsbourg sang of his love for Brigitte Bardot: “What does the weather matter, what matters the wind? Better your absence than your indifference.” Or Gilbert Bécaud: “Indifference kills…
By: Chuck Orloski All human beings can recall times when they (selflessly) helped an anonymous “someone” in either dire need or in trouble, and felt good? Upon reflection, approximately four years ago, a mentally challenged fellow, nicknamed Moose, age…
By: Gaither Stewart The quality of loyalty has played an important but perplexing role in my life, both positive and negative, which for many years has prompted countless nocturnal ruminations about the reasons for my concern for what at first…
GATE OF THE SUN– A Novel by Elias Khoury By Gaither Stewart (Rome) On this hot Italian late afternoon, after over a week inside the literary work entitled Gate of the Sun, I am still wandering in the gossamer framework…
“Нужно иметь сердце, чтобы понять!” (One needs heart to understand) By Gaither Stewart (Rome) In his novel, The Idiot, Dostoevsky wrote that beauty can save the world, admitting however that “beauty is difficult to judge … and is a riddle.”…
By: Chuck Orloski Late Friday evening, July 15, I tuned into CNN and learned about the astonishing Turkey military coup attempt. In awe, given Turkey’s key strategic NATO membership and its hard nosed intelligence service in league with the mighty CIA…