Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Story: Planet

By: Sri Ram At the Extra-terrestrial Intelligence Research Center, they were talking while looking at the wide big screen, which showed numerous stars as dots, floating rocky planets and gaseous clusters. “Hey, this one is located 20 light years away….

Story: The Boy Who Cried Help

By: Sasheera Gounden I I was sitting in the waiting room with fear soaking my armpits leaving a trail of odour behind. The many eyes surrounding my retina were repugnant. People tend to judge you if you’re a bit strange. I,…

Story: The Double

By: Lee Oleson When Coco was fourteen Marco, his father, was shot dead in a robbery. Marco was working behind the counter in a corner grocery when there was a stick up. After the thief took the money he didn’t…

Story: The Curtain

By: Revathi Suresh She’d finally murdered the darned thing. Shaila stared at the red that had pooled in a corner of the bathroom floor, her nose wrinkling at the strong metallic odour. With her thumb and forefinger she pulled gingerly…

Story: The Clinic

By: Rick Edelstein Please sit, Dr. Jiminez. Good to meet you finally Dr. Eslinger. So, how was your flight, do you find your apartment suitable, Zurich is such a long way from New York, sleep off the jet-lag, and that…

Story: Directions to America

By: Michael C. Keith They’ve all come to look for America. –– Paul Simon After considering how to get me across town to where I was to meet up with a colleague, the hotel doorman decided it was easier just…

Story: Black Jack Mulrain, Mercenary

By: Tom Sheehan Blackjack Paul Mulrain realizes he’s swinging these days through a vortex of thoughts and memories. It takes a toll, he knows. But he’s been here before; the past never letting go, the future waiting its turn. “Here…