Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Top fictional narrative techniques

Narrative techniques are the tools and methods that writers use to convey their stories effectively to the readers. Every writer has their own unique style, and they employ various narrative techniques to create compelling narratives that engage readers and keep…

How Italy Tried to Break Us Up

By: Glenn John Arnowitz “Do you want to meet me in Rome?” That question came in August from Colleen, mi amore of five months. and without hesitation, I said, “Yes!” Our meetup wasn’t until the beginning of October. After eight…

Local Boy

By: Brian Michael Barbeito (Hiding out from the Police and Taking Nature Photography in the Hills) Overcast. Saturnine. The forest worlds are then a damp grey if grey could be named damp. There is a place wonderful, whimsical, where the…

Down Chuska Mountain

By: Jeffrey Delano Davis The wind screams through the pickup. It tosses rusted bolts, fence wire, wrenches, and Sike’s feed bowl about the cargo bed with alarming ferocity. Nina rubs flints of plywood and sheep hair from her watering eyes….

All The Young Dudes

By: Elaine Lennon It is a truth universally acknowledged that the intimate exchanges between young men are principally of the gaming variety.  It was with a deal of struggle that Ned and Dobbin Smith kept their friendship at the level…

Time of Turbulent Change

By: Seonbeom Kim I gazed outside of the car window at the highway ahead of me, gleaming in the sunlight. The sky was blue. I could not wait to finally arrive home after 6-weeks of Engineering camp. Arduous projects, challenging…

Where the Devil Treads Fearlessly

By John Paul Lama             It began during a solemn holiday in 1992 – November 1 and November 2 – known respectively as All Saint’s Day and All Soul’s Day, and locally as Undas. It was a holiday in the…

Brief Respite

By: David Patten A landscape of mud.  Thick, invasive.  Like a disease it spreads and clings, fueled by the autumn rains that have pummeled the endless fields of Flanders.  Now, with the onset of winter, comes a hardening as the…

If looks could kill

By: David Patten Perseus had been spending time in Sicily and the Italian mainland.  Pasta, wine, caprese.  When your father is Zeus it’s a filial duty to oversee operations in the Mediterranean.  Not one to usually procrastinate, Perseus was wrestling…