Literary Yard

Search for meaning



Life-List (The Progenitor)

By: Dennis Vannatta #9   At age twelve, Russell Parkhurst tears a page from his spiral notebook and writes across the top, LIST OF MY LIFE.  He’d meant to write, LIST OF WHAT I WANT TO DO IN MY LIFE, but…

shadow of a person standing on stairs

Fugue States

By George Oliver They throw them in there – never put nor place. Girls and boys like Taylor are thrown in the small, padded rooms by the Guardians. The Guardians follow orders at the Compound: line up the new children…

smiling woman in door

Nine Lives

By David William Jurgenson Popock opened his door and found a short Egyptian girl staring at him expectantly. She had large, watery green eyes, sleek diamond lips, with a luscious mane of black hair flowing down to her hips. Popock…

silhouette of a person against sunset sky

Help! I’m Dead!

By John RC Potter           “Help! I’m Dead!” Those chilling words rose into the clear blue-sky skies and bounced off the rosy-hued heavens on a farm in southwestern Ontario one early summer’s morning in the mid-60s. At the shrill lament,…

indoor train station with few people waiting for the train


By: Kim Farleigh Platform lights illuminated her pleased eyes as she entered the dark compartment that Jones had entered without paying for a full-price ticket. She removed a glossy magazine from a bag. Her pink top, white jeans, cream shoes,…

people walking on pedestrian line on street

Mistake City

By: Ian C Smith. At last he lands a real job, regular, not stop-gap: reasonable wages with overtime, albeit monotonous graft reached by driving in peak hour traffic, the idea of the car as freedom thwarted.  He hasn’t been told…

portrait of redhead woman

Chance Meeting

By: Linda Barrett                The two women bumped into each other as they unlocked their respective mailboxes in the Chateau’s retirement community’s lobby. The tall red-haired woman moved backward while the short blonde woman also moved backward.                “Sorry” they…

grayscale portrait of woman

Michaela and Me

By: Harrison Abbott My sister Michaela had had problems with her sleeping for years. So she went to the doctor and the doctor prescribed her a form of sleeping pills. They worked at first. Michaela would call me up and…

$9 Billion Dollar Virgin

By: Tom Ball      I, Mike, said to Tina, “Many men have tried to win your love, yet you remain a virgin.” She said, “I’ve decided to sell my virginity to the highest bidder. I am the most famous virgin…

empty highway overlooking mountain under dark skies

A Bump in the Road

By: Anthony Paolucci It finally happened. Or did it? Theo couldn’t be sure. Not yet at least. He needed more time to mull it over. Maybe a few days. Or a few months.             He was there when it happened….