Literary Yard

Search for meaning


The Seaside Resort Town

By Mary DeWllde The seaside resort town had a feel about it that is molded by salt air and the sound of sea gulls conversing.  Souvenir shops crowded with tacky sailor statues and glittered seashells you wouldn’t think to buy any…

Arc de Triomphe

By: Thomas Sanfilip Robert waited anxiously for his sister Alissa to embark from the plane. His pale, strained features lit up instantly when he saw her as they made their way out of the airport into the southern Californian sunlight,…

The Mark

By: Jack Bristow            Jimmy “Wheels” O’Flanagan was a beast of a man. He weighed only 150 pounds; he wore a scally cap. He rolled everywhere. He could have taken the subway, he could have taken the taxi, but he liked to roll. He had the rolling down to an…

As Above, So Below

By LA Robbins Thanks for everything. It was fun. Stay in touch. Waiting patiently at the train station. All good.             A tiny snort of air escaped her nostrils as Sara read the text. His message said it all. Except…

Endless Journey

by: Mohammad Jashim Uddin This morning somehow I felt lonely as I could not pay my concentration anywhere else. Then I was listening to Rabi Tagore’s ‘If no one comes to hear your call, then go alone./ Let’s go alone,…

The Aliens

By: Harman Burgess George was crouched in the bushes, staring at the backpack lying on the path in front of him. Not so much at the unconscious girl next to it—he wasn’t hungry enough to try his hand at cannibalism—but…

Finding My Father

By: Francine Rodriguez He didn’t come around that often.  By the time I was old enough to figure that out I realized it was always around the time my mother got her welfare check, the first and the fifteenth of…

All the Bones in the Air

By: T.R. Healy      Lowell Barker paused in front of the door of his apartment for a minute, carefully adjusting the pale blue surgical mask across his mouth, then opened the door and started down the steps.  He moved cautiously,…

Strange Times

By: Michael Casey If you’d asked me last year how I thought 2020 would play out my answer would have been way off the mark. Other than the pandemic, one thing I wouldn’t have anticipated was my trip to India….


By: Donald Njoaguani Mama was dead, but it always felt as though she was right there, all the time, watching me, scolding me, and only I could see her. I never had a direct picture of her but I could…