I long for you
By Tabussum Sumaiya
I long for you
Like the pinnacle of the mountain,
That longs to reach the sky
The sun through the dense woods
To meet the green,
I will gently touch your skin.
Like the setting sun,
Longs to meet the moon
The waterfalls fall on the stream,
I long to disappear in you
To hold you close eternally to me.
Leaving behind all shackles off feet
I will flutter like the cumulus clouds
To seize your sky,
Like the sparkling pearls on the green
I will laden your essence
With an obscure calm serene.
I will chase you perpetually
Like the destroyer storm
That engulfs the fallen leaves,
I will laud this transcendent love
Longer as the pollens dance
In the entrancing wind of the Spring.
The poet is a lecturer of English at Northern University Bangladesh.