Literary Yard

Search for meaning

Literary criticism

Tender is the Release

By: Linda M. Crate I had decided that since I never had to read anything by the great F.S. Fitzgerald in high school or college that I would pursue one of his works on my own time. When I first…

What is Poetry?

By: Geoffrey Hoffman What is poetry? In what form should it be written? Ought it to be written at all, or is it nothing but escapist nonsense behind which we shy from reality? These are questions so old that it…

Show Us, Mr. Faulkner

 By:  G. D. McFetridge I picked William Faulkner because of his unique style and voice, and because many pundits and critics still laud him as one of the past century’s literary geniuses. From his book, The Long Hot Summer, I extracted…

Who was your first reader?

In most writers are hidden the stories of their struggle and how their talent–of writing– evolved, got recognised and flourished. Two hundred percent, every writer will become nostalgic about the precious moments from their childhood, of how a cousin of theirs…