Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Poem: Death Anniversary

By: Mohammad Jashim Uddin You are invited cordially. Come, please come to me straight. You are the chief guest in my death anniversary celebration ceremony. Can you remember why I celebrate it? Every December 15 I must observe because I…

Poem: Caterpillar on the run!

By: Shilpa Jayshankar For all that they said, the entire life will be spent there, Snuggling in the corner For all that they gave, a silent treatment, For that they shot with those hurtful words For that they demeaned, abhorring the…

Poem: The Focus Lens

By: JD DeHart Take one from the sixth floor, The passerby. On his way to some waterfall Or casual acquaintance. Loping, coffee in hand, Does he think, ponder, look up At me, a creature on the cloud Encased by white outlines…

Poem: Spread the Word

By: JD DeHart The word is suddenly A filet, indelicately butterflied. The word is suddenly The prospective worker eviscerated By the pomposity of interviewers. Let us show you our two question-one Question punch, they declare. Waste of paper products for degrees….

Poem: bloody mary

By: Sajan George your lips are contaminated dermis disfigured by the white lie you pronounce almost spontaneously -love you- masquerading a metaphysical insecurity

Poem: bisexing

By: Sajan George exorcised from home braving rape by father incest with sibling for keeping virginity intact she is limping, loitering in the x-rayed streets; a safer venue by all accounts despite late night exfoliation by some thousand homegrown eunuchs reclaiming…

Poem: Death of a dream

By: Neelam Singh It sprang forth like a majestic veil Desires indwelling colors of many Rainbow delight The delight to soar To rise up above all Desire to feel the wind in my wings Stormy winds A dark night Where’s…

Poem: Magic and Mystery

By: Kousik Adhikari Many years passed since I have stopped to ask you, Many years since there is a thunder blue hail storm near my windows, Around my coffee table and the clouds blossoming over the sky Of our room,…

Poem: When

By: Kousik Adhikari When I stopped at the turn, the path was heavy With the flowers, dropped after the sudden downpour of April rain Like a girl, loaded with an embryo, looked desperate and shy. Looking at the horizon, I…