Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Poem: A Rain Song

By: Debleena Majumdar Drenched, soaking, I enter the café, My pocket empty of notes. “A grande latte, Make that a large” “Cash or card?” “A poem, actually.” “I’ll pay with a poem” She stares at me, I need that coffee. I…

Poem: Underfoot

By: Audrey El-Osta Mother and child on a foolish mission of cruel eviction, pulling furniture off walls, wearing Doc Martens so as not to feel the soft velvety fur of this rodent fiend or it’s bony claws and inbred teeth on…

Poem: Painting

By: Adreyo Sen Each child is a painting waiting to come into being. And so the painter must be patient with his colours, with his vivid shades of red, his more somber blue, his medley of pink and greens and with…

Poem: The ink that fell in-between

By: Shriram S Vyasa should have had a palm the size of fully grown maple leaves. When cupped together, his palms could have had a stunted forest under their penumbra. That is if he had held red soil on the land…

Poem: The sleeping insomniac

By: Leena Adhvaryu Suffocating in the sky is amorphous this feeling hasn’t found a planet yet. It sleeps with a zillion eyes open in a city gobbled by greed, like an insomniac sleeping in eternity.

Poem: naysayers

By: Linda M Crate damask faces everyone looks at me blankly no one recognizes the girl staring back at them, and i admit i’ve changed since they last have seen me; wrote a few books and had one published— these…

Poem: it’s not all about you

By: Linda M Crate i have no more words for you we’ve dried up you can’t force water from a rock without divine help, and i don’t think our withered friendship is even worth the effort; the blame does not…

Poem: volumes

By: Linda M Crate my silence to you should speak volumes enough i have no words i wish to say to you i am not your sister we are no longer friends, and the more you try to hold onto…

Poem: You are not my friend

By: Debleena Majumdar “You are not my friend” She shouts, voice quivering, Eyes firm, tiny hands on her hip. A friend lost for all of one week. Next week they will play again Angry words forgotten, arms linked, But the…

Poem: Jumping dreams

By: Debleena Majumdar That was a beautiful dream You showed me last night. A field of purple stretching, Beneath a sky of gold. And a mist of silver rain. I wanted to stay awhile, To breathe in that dream. But you…