Literary Yard

Search for meaning


By: Archita Mittra when you sing to mountain dust & wild-eyed streetcars streaking through winding darkness-wearing roads, your skin lit by van gogh stars, a stain slowly swirling across your painted lips, of the last square of chocolate (from the box…


By: Sandeep Kumar Mishra In snowy unpigmented drape Wintry withdrawn world waits For the warm kiss of the day; Through the long lonely valley The elevation blows the glacial gale To cheer the deep and solemn solitude; Over the bare upland,…


By: Sandeep Kumar Mishra Icy winds filled with chimney smoke Signaled the burning of Christmas block, When colorful lights all around gleam The holy monks sing the merry theme, Sacred lilies, decorative ivory, fill homes Town to town our joyful echo…


By: Lynn White It was my first attempt at DIY hair dying. My friend had transformed her dull brown into glossy chestnut and Patricia thought it perfect to transform her unnatural blond. So I helped her out. Tiger Lily, it said…


By: Lynn White I’m living alone and loving it, that I am. I had a good ‘un though, but wouldn’t want to train another. Takes years to train ‘em. That couple last night, what a one she was. You could…


By: Ruth Z Deming There he is, Frank Kelso Wolfe, coming down the stairs in his slippers and bathrobe. Whistling, he looks around for his mom and dad. The kitchen clock reads ten-thirty. He’s slept late again, but who wouldn’t. It…


By: Leslie Bloom My children must always bring something with them when we leave the house. Seriously why can’t leaving home ever be easy? No, instead it is like a freak show with my five-year-olds. It never goes smoothly. Someone always…


By: Kimberly Potter Kendrick Alone in the darkness of my mind Empty, numb, I’ve run out of tears It’s happened so many times Walk away from my child, they say Issues or not, his actions generate consequences for you I…


By: Adam Levon Brown Dumbbells of anger assault my unfed stomach while I strive for another repetition in pages of tears. I rip them clear from books of love and paint myself a picture of guilt, hidden safely behind the bed…


By: Adam Levon Brown I wear scarves like sleeves because I could not, would not feel my emotional headlock of grief. My teeth are broken and missing because I refused to acknowledge that I, too, feel pain. My back is damaged…