Literary Yard

Search for meaning

Gaither Stewart


By: Gaither Stewart If you have you ever seen a monkey hanging from a tree by its tail and showing its red ass to onlookers, then you have seen the animal kingdom’s representation of war. According to French playwright Jean…


By: Gaither Stewart “Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” George Bernard Shaw Change is a word that both intellectuals and the intelligentsia of America are discussing in these times. However, one is justified to wonder what kind…


By:: Gaither Stewart The parable is told of the boiling of a frog. If you put it in boiling water the frog will jump out as soon as it feels the heat. But if you put it in cold water…

Story: To be a stranger

By: Gaither Stewart Wearing a beige suede jacket and a blue beret low over his right ear, James Frederick Dellinger stepped out onto his porch and looked around uncertainly at the new day. Clamping his aged leather satchel under his…

Story: Voices from Pisalocca

By: Gaither Stewart In my favorite place near the front window with the light from the street over my right shoulder I am reading an essay by Natalia Ginzburg when out of the corner of my eye I register a…