Literary Yard

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Kousik Adhikari

Poem: Girls Know Bicycles

By: Kousik Adhikari Girls know bicycles when the sun looks green over the hilltop And the water feels devilish before turn cold, On my way home, I see several of them Riding with their finished smiles Still painting blushing designs On…

Poem: Near Cleopatra’s Door

By: Kousik Adhikari For the last few days rain shut me indoor, Lying on my ancestral bed that shrieks with every Splash of body I see the rain’s youth dancing On roofs, leaves, street’s black face, Water hissing, galloping the streets,…

Poem: The Secrets of Window

By: Kousik Adhikari I look at your face, Silly face! Any river leaving Its dust ridden track in magic spell? You stood looking, The window is beautiful, I know. Remind me when the winter comes, Tell me when the streets…

Poem: After Your Speech

By: Kousik Adhikari After your speech I shall laugh I have taken this inevitable oath. To remain silent, Extreme, impossible, cruel, The annoyed eyes of the fish Starves the whole night for moon, When gentle breeze blows It sleeps aside at…

Poem: The Poisoned Words

By: Kousik Adhikari The poisoned words of my heart, Play like my foster children, Till without memory, just sprouted teeth, They always seeks a true cover After escaping easy childhood… youth, I notice their rustling youth With bitter eyes, Now the…

Poem: Nowadays I Feel

By: Kousik Adhikari Nowadays I feel Accustomed with life-glorified life! Always dangling over head And yet sword’s magic shining! Moon-drops oozing on rain Sea caressing sands- Truly romance walks in ant’s legs Through spine! Till one hungry cock calls Till monarchs…

Poem: Poem of Water

By: Taslima Nasrin Translated by: Kousik Adhikari I have written one Unique poem of water Plucked out a lotus from water Red lotus Water-lotus. Whom to give this water-lotus This poem There was one to give, He had an urge to leave…

Poem: The Body

By: Taslima Nasrin Translated by: Kousik Adhikari Much have been said About farming, cards, history, And of the two swans Walking on the grassy field In neighbor’s house! Now, let’s talk about body. Let’s touch skin, pores, Putting out evening lamp, incense…