Literary Yard

Search for meaning

linda m crate

Poem: Couldn’t be your puppet

By: Linda M Crate do you know what a relief it is to be free? probably not as you’ve always been a slave to your own desires and your lusts splintering into the skin of dreamers with your nightmares, but…

Poem: i’m not inferior

By: Linda M Crate i’m a woman, but that doesn’t mean that i will be weak or docile succumbing to the will of those who are wicked; i am not inferior to any man more than well aware of my…

Poem: Social Outcast

By: Linda M Crate off screen i stand anxious pacing and pacing everyone stares they don’t realize that this is my natural environment wish it was just as simple as letting it go as i’m constantly told to do, but…

Poem: Freed from restraint

By: Linda M Crate sometimes i feel like i fall short of expectations a gasp of air when they were expecting a dragon, but i remind myself i don’t have to exceed anyone’s expectations but my own; i’ll shatter their…

Poem: dancing fae

By: Linda M Crate i sat in the dandelions dreaming, and i began to see them: the crows; i read somewhere once that crows follow those who attract the fae, and i wonder if you weren’t sighing and flying and…

Poem: fae king

By: Linda M Crate i felt you there when i sang dancing in the creek avoiding the beaks of hungry crows you danced in the sunlight streams and beckoned to me with your gold, and i felt your wings dance…

Poem: Wildflower

By: Linda M Crate the leaves are gold, orange, and red; i stand watching as autumn blooms cars whiz by no one notices the beauty of fall dances around me all her colors and all her beauty; they’re all caught…