Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Poem: Meditation on the Lord’s Prayer

By: Yevgeniya Przhebelskaya  Jesus’s disciples asked: teach us to pray. Today, crying or cursing, we seek “Our Father …” Our careers are thorny, we reap backstabs, gossip and sin. Our daily bread is hormone filled protein. Our enemies who are not…

Poem: What He Is?

By: Pijush Kanti Deb Mr. Pikantid is not at all my friend but an eye-protruding wonder to me as he looks quite contented without owning a tail or horns. Maybe, he is blessed and bloomed by someone he worships and…

The Healing Power of Meditation

By: William T. Hathaway I suffered a brain injury at birth. An EEG test showed chaotic, abnormal brain waves, and in school I had attention deficit disorder. I couldn’t concentrate and my thoughts were cloudy. My grades were mediocre, and…

From Trauma to Bliss

By: William T. Hathaway   I was sitting in full lotus, body wrapped in a blanket, mind rapt in deep stillness, breathing lightly, wisps of air curling into the infinite space behind my closed eyes. My mantra had gone beyond…