Literary Yard

Search for meaning


Poem: Scattered in the Absent Wind

  By: Fredrik Zander Estranged by adorers, Scattered in the absent wind; This vacuum is a bird of prey. Too late for the news of the world; Too soon for the fascination Strangers bring to light. “Could there be tomorrow”, I…

Poem: The Music Room

  By: Kyle Hemmings   At work, her father fights a losing war with paper men. Home, Zin imagines wind scorpion women without musical sense, exoskeletons in the morning, left-overs of love. Some girls are cursed with supernatural powers of hearing….

Poem: Where Does it Hurt

By Richard King Perkins II   Where does it hurt when cardboard walls collapse in a sodden pile around you, snuffing the candle soaking a scrounged meal and your only change of rags?   Where does it hurt when city rain…

Poem: The Riverside spirits

The river still waits for the boats that once sailed over to the other side with hopes to conquer lands beyond the distant hillocks. Centuries have gone by yet no fellow returned. Not even a descendant ever showed up. No news…

Poem: G David Schwartz

By: G David Schwartz   I’ll Never See You Again G David Schwartz I’ll never see you again Never even anymore Not even if I go into Our most favorite store I no no more Will I ever see you…

Poem: Calvary

By: Pamela Riley I remember the color of your eyes that day we drove to Calvary and how you said my smile could murder the moon. Everything I did that summer was for you – the shells rattling in old cans…